1.1. The Council for the prevention of delinquency among students (hereinafter the Council)is one of the public authorities of the college.
2.1. The work of the Council builds on the basis of the RK’s law "About education", law of RK "On prevention of offences among minors and prevention of child neglect and homelessness»
2.3. This Provision is the regulatory framework for the prevention of offenses in the college
2. Purpose and objectives
2.2. The purpose of creation of Council is counteraction to illegal acts of students of College, and also creation of conditions for receiving by them full-fledged qualitative education.
3. Tasks
3.1.Development and implementation of a set of measures for the prevention of offenses, alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse and neglect among college students.
3.2. Identification of families in which parents do not fully fulfill their responsibilities for the upbringing of children and work with these families.
3.3.Carrying out educational work with parents of college on problems of prevention of offenses among minors.
3.4.Protection of the rights and interests of children in conflict situations.
4.The membership of the Council
4.1. The Council’s membership consists of:
- Deputy Director for academic Affairs,
- Deputy Director for educational work,
- teacher-organizer,
- heads of the educational part,
- College psychologist,
- College teachers,
- The Council of student government.
4.2. The work of the Council may be attended by employees whose activities are related to the issues under consideration, as well as representatives of bodies, departments of internal Affairs, health care institutions.
5. Operating procedure
5.1.Meetings of the Council are held once a month. If necessary, extraordinary meetings may be appointed.
5.2.At meetings of the Council:
- approved work plan,
- reports and references of heads of groups, teachers are heard,
- parents, representatives of guardianship and guardianship authorities, internal Affairs authorities are invited,
- approved characteristics,
- applications are accepted,
- develop proposals for incentives or disciplinary action.
5.3.The activities of the Council are planned for the current year.
5.4.Decisions of the Council are Advisory in nature, are used in the organization of the college on the problem of prevention of offenses and neglect among minors.
6. The Council has the right
6.1.To make suggestions and changes to the plans of the educational process of the college.
6.2.To consider reports of the heads of the groups.
6.3.To invite parents for an interview, visit dysfunctional families to analyze the situation, provide assistance, protect the rights of the child, if necessary, send information about dysfunctional families to the guardianship authorities.
6.4.To apply the administration for administrative measures (administrative measures against minors may be taken by the Commission on juvenile Affairs and protection of their rights).
6.5.To put on the intra-college registration of the students who are in socially dangerous situation and needing individual preventive work, and also to remove from the account.
7. Placing a student on the intra-college account
During the academic year, the decision on registration of students and terms are taken at the meetings of the Council, which explains the reason for registration, its terms (from 3 months to 1 year) and the conditions of deregistration.
7.1. The students who miss classes without a valid reason (15-30% of study time), systematically late for classes.
Attendance records.
7.2. The students who found consuming alcoholic beverages, smoking and other offenses.
The petition of teachers of the college to the Council for the prevention of registration with college accounting
7.3. The students who systematically violate discipline, showing elements of antisocial behavior (profanity, fights, bullying other children, humiliation of human dignity)
Availability of reports from teachers.
7.4. The students causing damage to college property.
7.6. The students who violated the rules of the internal regulations of the college.
8. Removal from intra-college's registration
8.1. In the presence of positive results of work at meeting of the Council the decision on removal of the student from the intra-college registration are made.
8.2.Deregistration after the deadline and with positive results are made at the Council of prevention in the presence of the student.