Akbota Akhankyzy
Teacher of special disciplines
Muratbekkyzy Aizhan
Teacher of general educational disciplines
Zhanabyleva Moldir Sargytkyzy
Teacher of special disciplines
Аубакиров Еркебулан Еркинович
Master of industrial training
Marasulov Nurly Kanatuly
Teacher of general educational disciplines
Бекберген Орынкүл Болысбайқызы
Master of industrial training
Ахмеди Гүлдана Ақылбекқызы
Teacher of special disciplines
Бейсенов Нұрдәулет Әділәзизұлы
Teacher of special disciplines
Кенкоз Диас Ермекұлы
Teacher of special disciplines
Narimova Gulmira Abatovna
Teacher of special disciplines
Orynbekova Saule Zharylkasynovna
Teacher of special disciplines
Shayakhmetova Aydana Kayratovna
Teacher of general educational disciplines
Ayrolla Dinara
Teacher of general educational disciplines
Batyrbekova Gulshat Abdumalikovna
Teacher of general educational disciplines
Zheksembayev Kaynar Imanbayevich
Teacher of general educational disciplines
Akhan Askar Dayyrkazyuly
Teacher of general educational disciplines
Bidashova Sholpan Orynbaevna
Teacher of general educational disciplines
Маркус Наталья Николаевна
Teacher of general educational disciplines