Modern forms and methods of teaching: research and solutions

Modern forms and methods of teaching: research and solutions

Today at the college was a seminar for teachers on the topic "Modern forms and methods of teaching: research and solutions". Teachers of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology Сембаева С.К., Нури Балта, Батырханова А.З., Дүйсек А.Т., Шамшаева А., Таукебаева Г.О., Дауленбаева Г.У., Естепбергенова Г.А. they shared their experience. The seminar addressed topical issues on the introduction of modern forms and methods of teaching in the educational process, the creation of conditions for the effective use of active teaching methods in the educational process. The main purpose of the event was to achieve quality education through in-class and out-of-class activities.

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Seminar 031121 (2).jpeg


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